Welcome to Bound Brook School District News!

We are proud of our students and staff here in Bound Brook and regularly publish news highlighting their paths to success. We invite you to explore these stories and learn more about how our students are bound for success.

In addition, the district publishes news in English and Spanish via email in its monthly e-newsletter “Updates Abound”. PDF versions are available on this page.

If you would like to receive the Updates Abound e-newsletter, please sign up here. News can also be found on the district’s social media pages.

District News

Family Literacy Project creates community; builds confidence

Family Literacy Project creates community; builds confidence

The academic success of students often hinges on a partnership between educators and families. Both components working together has been essential. LaMonte/LaMonte Annex Elementary School began the Family Literacy Project in 2017 to encourage reading at home among...

Alumni Spotlight: Allamar Moore

Alumni Spotlight: Allamar Moore

Allamar Moore looks back on his time at Bound Brook with fond memories of true friendship, exciting basketball matches and inspiring staff members who helped him build his personal and academic growth.   After graduating from the district in 2014, he has followed his...

Alumni Spotlight: Maria Salazar-Cortes

Alumni Spotlight: Maria Salazar-Cortes

Maria Salazar-Cortes once walked the halls of Bound Brook with high hopes for her future career and plenty of motivation from her peers and teachers who inspired her to dream big before graduating Bound Brook High School in 2013.   Now, Maria is marching toward...

Bound Brook recognizes 10 Governor’s Educator of the Year recipients

Bound Brook recognizes 10 Governor’s Educator of the Year recipients

Bound Brook School District is proud to recognize 10 exceptional teachers and educational services professionals nominated for the 2024-25 Governor’s Educator of the Year Recognition Program. Each year, New Jersey school districts nominate their educators for the...

New Chromebooks Empower Students in a Digital World

New Chromebooks Empower Students in a Digital World

In today’s digital age, access to technology means access to a world of knowledge. That’s why Bound Brook School District has invested in new Chromebooks for all students in K-12.  This fall, every student will receive a new Chromebook to replace the previous devices...

Students Benefit from Calming Spaces across the District

Students Benefit from Calming Spaces across the District

Designated areas to help students refocus, succeed   Sensory hallways provide a safe, friendly space for students to have a calming moment during school hours. Students who feel overwhelmed can take a short break, venture to the sensory hallway and participate in...

Meet the New Principal of Smalley Elementary School

Meet the New Principal of Smalley Elementary School

Please join us in welcoming Allyson Winter as the new principal of Smalley Elementary School in Bound Brook School District. Learn more about her:  Tell us your educational background and what your role was prior to becoming a principal at Smalley. Originally from...

District Announcements

Smalley Student Supply List 2024-25

For Smalley Elementary School, please see below to view the suggested supply list for the 2024-25 school year: Smalley Supply List

Meet the New Director of Special Services

Please join us in welcoming Kristen Massimo, MAEdL as the new Director of Special Services in Bound Brook School District. Learn more about her here:  Tell us about your career and educational background.  My teaching career began 20 years ago when I worked in a small...

Math Summer Assignments: Grades 7-12

For Grades 7-12, please see below for links to Math Summer Assignments:   Grades 7-8: Incoming 7th Grade Math Summer Assignment (Spanish) Incoming 7th Grade Math Summer Assignment Incoming 7th Grade H Math Summer Assignment Incoming 8th Grade Summer Assignment...

Preschool & Kindergarten Registration Information meeting

Please join us on Thursday Feb. 27th, 2025 from 5-5:30 p.m. at LaMonte Gym to learn more about Bound Brook School District's preschool and kindergarten programs and how to register your child. More information here: Pre-School Registration Flyer (English) Pre-School...

Delayed Opening Tomorrow 1/17/24

Delayed Opening Tomorrow 1/17/24 Good Evening Crusader Family, Due to icy conditions and below freezing temperatures, all Bound Brook Public Schools will have a 2-hour delayed opening, tomorrow, January 17, 2024. The delayed opening report times are as follows:...

Pride Plus Survey Results

Bound-Brook_PRIDE_spanish (1) Bound Brook PRIDE Data Infographic_10.3.23 (1) (1) Back in April, Community Middle School and Bound Brook HS students were administered a survey to determine youth substance abuse for alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and prescription drugs....

Financial Aid Presentation

Bound Brook High School offered a Financial Aid Presentation on October 19, 2023. Here is the presentation: 24-25 NJ HS Final (DS) 9_21_2023

Red Ribbon Week 2023

Red Ribbon Week takes place October 23-27. The campaign slogan is: Be Kind to your mind, Live Drug Free Please view this flyer for more information: Red ribbon week 2023 October 23-27 (1) (1)  

NJSLA 2024

Please review the attached letter regarding the New Jersey Student Learning Assessment. Revise la carta adjunta sobre la Evaluación del aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Nueva Jersey. 2024 NJSLA Letter (1) (1)  

NJGPA 2024

Please view the attached letter regarding the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment. Por favor vea la carta adjunta sobre la Evaluación de Competencia Para la Graduación de New Jersey. 2024 NJGPA Letter (1)

Testing Day October 26

October 26, 2023 will be an early dismissal, SAT/PSAT testing only day for all high students. Seniors will take the SAT the old fashioned way via paper & pencil. Next, the juniors and sophomores will take the digital PSAT/NMSQT. Finally, the freshmen will take the...

SOS/Mental Health Surveys Letter

Dear Parents/Caregivers, Please see the attached letter and information from the school counseling department. Thank you.   Estimados padres y guardianes,   Por favor consulte la carta adjunta y la información del departamento de consejería escolar.    Gracias. ...

Hidden in Plain Sight Presentation November 1

The Hidden in Plain Sight presentation with DEA detective Tim McMahon will take place on November 1 at 6:30-8. This will conclude Red Ribbon Week. Detective McMahon will present about substance abuse issues to parents and community members. All are invited! HIDDEN IN...

Free and Reduced-Price Lunch Letter 2023

The Bound Brook School District would like to remind parents about our free/reduced-price meal program. If your child received free or reduced price meals during the 2022-2023 school year, this status will only carry over until September 30, 2023, OR until a new...

Notice of Bound Brook Board of Education Meeting Date Change

The Bound Brook Board of Education meeting scheduled for Wednesday, August 16, 2023 has been rescheduled and will be held on Monday, August 21, 2023. Please view the link below for more details: Bound Brook Board of Education New Meeting Date

RFP: Substitute Staffing Services

The Bound Brook Board of Education is accepting proposals for Substitute Staffing Services for the Bound Brook Public Schools through August 21, 2023. Please see the links below to read more information: Request for Proposals (RFP): Substitute Staffing Services...

Smalley Supply List 2024-25

For Smalley Elementary School, please see below to view the suggested supply list for the 2024-25 school year: Smalley Supply List

Lafayette Student Supply List 2023-24

For Lafayette Elementary School, please see below to view the suggested supply list for the 2023-24 school year: Lafayette Supply List 2023-24  

NJGPA 2023 Results

The results of the 2023 NJGPA testing for the Class of 2024 have been mailed home on July 18. The results are accompanied by a cover letter of explanation. If you have any question please reach out to the student's counselor. 2023 NJGPA Results Letter

CMS Supply List 2023-24

For Community Middle School, please see below to view the suggested supply list for the 2023-24 school year: CMS School Supply List

LaMonte Supply Lists (Pre-K & Kindergarten) 2023-24

For LaMonte/LaMonte Annex Elementary School, please see below to view/download the suggested Pre-K and Kindergarten supply lists for the 2023-24 school year: Suggested Supply List 2023-24 (Pre-Kindergarten) / Lista de suministros sugeridos para pre-kinder Suggested...

Math Summer Packets – Grades 7-12

For Grades 7-12, please see below for links to Math Summer Packets: Grades 7-8: 7th Grade Math Summer Assignment 8th Grade Algebra 1 Summer Assignment Grades 9-12: Algebra 1 Summer Packet Algebra 2 Summer Packet Pre-Calculus Summer Packet Calculus Summer Packet...

Summer 2023 Reading and Math K-5 Resources

The Bound Brook School District welcomes all K-5 students and their families to explore the resources linked in the slides below to engage in reading and math skills over the summer. Links will be available to choice boards and websites along with a suggested book...

Members of the Board of Education Earn Board Certification from NJSBA

The members of the Bound Brook Board of Education recently earned Board Certification through the New Jersey School Board Association (NJSBA) Board Member Academy. Working to earn this certification underscores the board’s commitment to working together and improving...

Summer Food Service Program information is available!

The United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Summer Food Service Program provides free meals to eligible individuals when school is out. The Bound Brook School District is committed to ensuring all students have access to nutritious meals when classes are not...

Working Papers are now only available online!

Working Papers for Minors Goes Digital on June 1, 2023 The Working Papers Application Is Online at MyWorkingPapers.nj.gov Schools No Longer Administer Working Papers Applications; Physician Sign-Off No Longer Required The new process is online and streamlined and can...

HIB Self Assessment Grades 21-22

The school grade is a raw score of data and the sum of the ratings for all indicators within each core element on the School Self-Assessment (e.g., 65 of 78 points). The maximum total score for a school is 78 points. The school district’s grade is an average of the...

April BBSD School Counseling Newsletter

Please read & enjoy the April BBSD School Counseling Newsletter! BoletADn_de_ConsejerADa_Escolar_del_BBSD_-_Abril_del_2023 BBSD_School_Counseling_Newsletter_-_April_2023

College and Career Presentation

On March 28, BBHS counselors Mr. Appezzato and Mr. Moran gave an informative presentation on College and Career Planning to grade 11 students and their parents. The video of the presentation is here: College & Career Planning Pictured above are Mr. Moran, Mrs....

Pride Plus Survey April 4 & 5

  Please review the letter regarding the Pride Plus Survey which will be administered at BBHS & CMS. Pride Plus Surveys' Letter (1)

NJSLA Letter

Please see the letter below detailing the administration of the 2023 NJSLA testing. NJSLA 2023 Parents Letter.docx (1)

NJGPA Testing March 13-16

Please read the letter regarding New Jersey GPA testing at Bound Brook HS March 13-16. NJGPA letter home 2023

Parent Presentation on Mental Health March 6

A Parent's Guide to Mental Health Join the clinical social workers Mrs. Buccini, Mrs. Carrera, and Mrs. Mendoza for a discussion on mental health. The event will be held in the BBHS cafeteria at 6 p.m. on March 6. A select number of ShopRite gift cards will be raffled...

Mental Health Survey

September 26, 2022 Dear Parents and Guardians, As in previous years, the Bound Brook School District’s Counseling Services Department will administer mental health surveys to all students in Smalley, Community, and the High School. The purpose of the surveys is to...

Updated Start Strong Letter

Dear Parents/Guardians, Please see the updated dates for the Start Strong testing which will now begin in October. Thank you. updated Start Strong Letter to parents 22.docx

Summer Assignments ELA and MATH

Links attached: Bound Brook High School Summer Reading Info Graphic - English Bound Brook High School Summer Reading Info Graphic - Spanish Quantitative Reasoning 2022 Summer Assignment Summer Assignment 2022 Incoming Algebra 1 Honors Summer Assignment 2022 Incoming...

HPV Vaccine Webinars

Dear Parents, RWJUH Somerset has physicians that will provide educational webinars to Bound Brook residents about the HPV vaccine in order to increase vaccination among individuals aged 9 to 26. The purpose of the vaccine is to reduce the incidence of cancer later in...

COVID-19 Vaccine Awareness Event for Teens

Dear Parents, On Tuesday, March 15th from 6:00PM-7:15 PM, EmPoWER Somerset will have a COVID-19 vaccine awareness event for middle and high school youth and their parents/caregivers called "COVID-19 Vaccine For Teens: Questions Asked and Answered." There will be a...

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at BBHS

Dear Parents, Today (3/9) from 3:30PM-5:30PM, there is a COVID-19 vaccination clinic in the Bound Brook High School cafeteria for students, staff, and community members ages 5 and up. The clinic is hosted by Green Brook Family Medicine. Children under the age of 18...

Pre-Registration Process Flyer

Pre-Registration Process Step 1: Go to The BBrook.Org Step 2: Click the Registration Tab Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the link: https://genesis.bbrook.org/genesis/openReg Step 4: Security page will appear, please complete Step 5: Please complete...

Updated COVID-19 Guidelines

Dear Parents, In addition to the letter we sent you, we also wanted to ask that you please read the attached document with a summary of the district's updated COVID-19 guidelines. Many thanks, Bound Brook School District Attached Files Updated COVID-19 Guidelines -...

COVID-19 Update Letter for Parents (2/28)

Dear Parents/Guardians, Students, and Staff: The Board of Education, in collaboration with input from the school physician, administration, school nurses, teachers, and staff members, decided at its February 21st meeting to move the district to a “mask optional”...

BBHS Robotics Team’s S.T.E.M. Saturdays

Dear Parents, The Bound Brook High School Robotics Team will be holding outreach events called "S.T.E.M. Saturdays" at the Bridgewater Commons Mall. S.T.E.M. Saturdays will be held once a month from February to May from 12:00PM-2:00PM. More information and...

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Interest Survey

Dear Parents, As the district will be allowing masks to be optional for all students, staff, and visitors, the district is looking to gauge the interest from our parents in a potential COVID-19 vaccination clinic to be held in the district for unvaccinated...

2022 NJSLA Assessment Schedule for BBSD Students

Dear Parents, Please read the attached letter regarding the schedule for the 2022 New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA) that will be administered to students in grades 3-11. The testing will be in the areas of English/Language Arts (ELA), Math, and Science....

BBPC Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic

Dear Parents, Today (2/1) from 3:00PM-6:00PM, the Bound Brook Presbyterian Church (at 409 Mountain Avenue) will have a free Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine clinic for all individuals ages 5 and up. To schedule an appointment, please call 973-328-3344, extension 1277. Walk-ins...

Updated COVID-19 Guidelines for Students

Please read the attached document that outlines updated COVID-19 guidelines for student quarantines, isolation periods, and other important protocols. It is important that you read the document in its entirety. Attached Files Updated COVID-19 Guidelines.pdf Many...

Student COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic

As a reminder, Bound Brook School District will have a first dose COVID-19 vaccine clinic today (1/18) at Bound Brook High School from 3:00PM-6:00PM for students ages 5-11. Please read the attached letter for more information. If you still wish to have your child...

BBHS Chimney Rock Frozen Pizza Fundraiser

Dear Parents, The Class of 2022 and the Robotics team are co-hosting a Chimney Rock Frozen Pizza fundraiser from January 10th to January 23rd! Click on the link below to pre-order now! Pick-up will be on January 27th (at a time of your choice) at the Bridgewater...

Social Media Threats and Safety

Dear Parents, The Bound Brook School District is aware of anonymous threats of school shootings and bombings being made on TikTok and other social media platforms against all schools in the United States for this Friday, December 17th. Unfortunately, some of those...

Addressing Issues of Social and Racial Justice in Our Schools

Office of the Superintendent of Schools Dear High School Parents and Students: The district, Board of Education, and administration take all concerns about discrimination very seriously and are committed to creating a welcoming environment for all staff, students, and...

Keeping Our Students Safe

Office of the Superintendent of Schools Dear Middle and High School Parents: I am writing you to inform you of the incidents that the school administration has responded to over the last week and to clear up any confusion or uncertainty as to any of these matters. As...

HPV Vaccine Awareness for Parents

Dear Parents, Please see the attached letter and fact sheet from Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset regarding the importance of getting your child vaccinated against HPV (human papillomavirus). The American Cancer Society recommends that boys and girls...

Rediscover Your Community Event

Dear Parents, On Saturday, November 6th from 1:00PM-4:00PM, the 4-H/Middle Earth Student Ambassadors for Community Health will be holding an event titled "Rediscover Your Community." After checking in, families will have the opportunity to rediscover their community...

BBSD’s Weekly Survey

We are once again asking all students in grades 4 through 12, all parents, and all staff to complete our weekly pulse survey so that we can continue to gather information and communicate necessary changes to ensure the best possible learning experience. Please click...

Free Pediatric Flu Vaccine Clinic

Dear Parents, On Thursday, October 28th from 3:30PM-6:30PM, RWJ Somerset will have a free pediatric flu vaccine clinic in the cafeteria of the LaMonte Annex School (337 West Second Street). To register, please call the RWJUH Somerset’s Community Health Department at...

Annual Title I Parent Meeting

Dear Parents, Our Title I Parent Meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, October 13th at 9:00AM at the LaMonte Annex School (330 West Second Street). This is an opportunity for parents to hear about the district's Title I initiatives and program for the 2021-22...

Job Openings in Bound Brook School District

Dear Parents, The Bound Brook School District is hiring nurse's aides, classroom aides, and substitutes. For more information, please visit our AppliTrack page. Many thanks, Bound Brook School District  

Lunch Application Assistance Session

If you need assistance with completing the application for free and reduced-price school meals, Bound Brook School District will again be assisting parents on Monday, October 11th in the Bound Brook High School gymnasium (111 West Union Avenue) from 12:00PM-3:00PM....

Food Bank at Bound Brook Presbyterian Church

Dear Parents, The Bound Brook Presbyterian Church will be holding a free Food Bank this Sunday (10/10) from 1:00PM-2:30PM. The church is located at 409 Mountain Avenue. You may also still obtain free, freshly prepared meals from the Presbyterian Church when you come...

COVID-19 Testing Updates

Dear Parents: As we are entering the second month of school, I would like to thank all of you for your hard work in helping our students, staff, and community return to full in-person schooling. Our first month of school has been very positive as a result of the...

Superintendent Search

Attached Files:  Bound Brook Survey Links 10 2021-9-24 supt search ad posted 2021-9-20 CALENDAR Bound Brook

Superintendent Search Survey for Parents

Dear Parents, The Bound Brook School District is asking that all parents please complete the Superintendent Search Survey that is linked below. Your input is critically important to the Board of Education in finding a Superintendent who is the perfect fit to meet the...

COVID-19 Quarantine Time Frames

Office of the Superintendent of Schools Dear Parents: We would like to thank all parents, students, teachers, and staff members for making our first full return to school from the pandemic a very successful one! We have all of our students in person with our teachers...

Return to School COVID-19 Update

Dear Parents: The Board of Education and administration would like to welcome you back to school! As we open on Thursday, we would like to remind you of a few items that need to be completed prior to the first day of school. We ask that you complete a screening...

COVID-19 Return to School Update

Dear Parents The Board of Education and administration hope that all of you have had a relaxing, healthy summer. As we prepare for the opening of schools in September, we are informing you of some updates for the health and safety of all of the students and staff....