
Parents can access the district’s Rubicon Atlas website to view curriculum information for all grade levels and courses.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) – Title I, II, III
The Every Student Succeeds Act, signed into law on December 10, 2015, makes sure public schools provide a quality education for all children.
Title I
Part of this program is intended to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments.
- Title 1 Parent Compact English
- Title 1 Parent Compact Spanish
- Title 1 Parent Involvement Letter English
- Title 1 Parent Involvement Letter Spanish
- Title 1 Parents Right to Know English
- Title 1 Parents Right to Know Spanish
- Title 1 Military Opt Out LEA Notification Letter English
- Title 1 Military Opt Out LEA Notification Letter Spanish
Title II
This program increases student achievement by elevating teacher and principal quality through recruitment, hiring, and retention strategies.
Title III
This program assists school districts in teaching English to limited English proficient students and in helping these students meet the same challenging state standards required of all students.
- Entrance Notification Letter Bilingual/ESL Program
- Notificación de Entrada del Programa Bilingüe/ESL-(Inglés Como Segundo Idioma)
Claudia Heisterman
Director of Bilingual Education, English as a Second Language, and World Language
K-12 Gifted & Talented Program
Our Gifted and Talented Program exists to challenge gifted learners so they may fully utilize their abilities to achieve at the highest possible level. Students who qualify for gifted and talented services will receive an enhanced academic program through an acceleration and/or enrichment model.
- Acceleration – Students in an acceleration model will be presented material at a faster pace, enabling them to progress more quickly through the curriculum and engage in more challenging material.
- Enrichment – Students in an enrichment model will receive opportunities to expand learning and deepen understanding through more challenging learning tasks that expand upon the general curriculum.
For more details about the program, read through the district’s Gifted and Talented Handbook. For additional resources and information regarding supporting gifted students:
Which students are eligible for consideration in the Gifted and Talented program?
In what area(s) can a student receive Gifted and Talented services?
How can students be considered for the Gifted and Talented program?
In order to be considered for the Gifted and Talented Program, a recommendation form must be completed and submitted to the Central Office, located on the third floor of Bound Brook High School.
Who can recommend a student for the Gifted and Talented program and how would they do that?
How will eligibility for the Gifted and Talented program be determined?
As per New Jersey regulations, the identification process for Gifted and Talented programs should consist of multiple measures, including achievement test scores, grades, student performance or products, intelligence testing, and recommendations. Bound Brook School District’s Gifted and Talented program determines eligibility based on the following criteria:
- Recommendation
- Permission slip
- Academic review
- Portfolio
- Aptitude test (CogAT 7)
What is the CogAT 7?
The CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) is a trusted test used to qualify children for gifted and talented programs. The test measures reasoning and problem-solving skills in the areas of:
- Verbal
- Quantitative (mathematics)
- Spatial or non-verbal (using shapes and figures to solve problems
This is not an achievement test or an intelligence test. Rather, it assesses reasoning abilities in the verbal, mathematical, and spatial arenas.
What can I expect after a recommendation form is submitted?
Once the recommendation form is received, a formal evaluation process will begin. All applicants will be later notified as to whether they have qualified for services or if their current program is appropriately meeting their educational needs.
Who are the teacher specialists that work students in the Gifted and Talented program?
Our excellent teacher specialists are committed to helping students succeed in and out of the classroom. The full list is below, grouped by grade level.
Grade 1 – Courtney Panerali and Audrey Khan
Grade 2 – Deanne Fischbach and Amanda Zabel
Grade 3 – Gina Petrusky
Grade 4 – Krupa Guruvayurappan and Michael Mages
Grade 5 – Jill Goldan and Catherine Rand
Grade 6 – Megan Esposito, Diane Mallon and Elizabeth Langoski
Grades 7-8 – John Kim, Katherine Horvath and Greg Markus
I have other questions about the Gifted and Talented program. Who do I contact?
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Ms. Robyn Griffin, Director of Curriculum and Instruction at 732-652-7953 or