Welcome to Bound Brook School District News!

We are proud of our students and staff here in Bound Brook and regularly publish news highlighting their paths to success. We invite you to explore these stories and learn more about how our students are bound for success.

In addition, the district publishes news in English and Spanish via email in its monthly e-newsletter “Updates Abound”. PDF versions are available on this page.

If you would like to receive the Updates Abound e-newsletter, please sign up here. News can also be found on the district’s social media pages.

District News

K-6 students spend summertime boosting their academics while having fun

K-6 students spend summertime boosting their academics while having fun

Even when school is out of session, the Bound Brook School District offers ongoing opportunities for students to learn and practice essential skills during the summer months.  The summer boost program at Smalley Elementary School is one of those initiatives.  During...

Meet the New Director of Special Services

Meet the New Director of Special Services

Please join us in welcoming Kristen Massimo, MAEdL as the new Director of Special Services in Bound Brook School District. Learn more about her here:  Tell us about your career and educational background.  My teaching career began 20 years ago when I worked in a small...

Bound Brook High School Celebrates Class of 2024

Bound Brook High School Celebrates Class of 2024

Bound Brook High School honored 160 graduates at its commencement ceremony at LaMonte Field on June 18, 2024. With family, friends and teachers, the ceremony celebrated the hard work and commitment to excellence students made throughout their journeys in the school...

International school spirit on display during the Smalley Olympics

International school spirit on display during the Smalley Olympics

The Smalley Olympics are the highlight of the school year for many students and staff at the Bound Brook elementary school. Now in its sixth year, it has become a beloved event that celebrates school pride, reinforces the year’s physical education curriculum and...

Bound for the Future: A Look into the BBHS AVID Program

Bound for the Future: A Look into the BBHS AVID Program

Only a few short years ago, Joel Orellana was sitting in his eighth-grade class at Community Middle School hearing from high school students about an exciting college-readiness program offered at Bound Brook High School. Fast forward to today, as a sophomore, he’s...

Bound Brook High School Robotics Continues Award Winning Season

Bound Brook High School Robotics Continues Award Winning Season

R.O.B.B.E Team 56 (Robotics of Bound Brook & Ethicon), Bound Brook High School’s robotics team, continues its impressive tradition with this season of FIRST® Robotics.  At the FIRST Mid-Atlantic Warren Hills District Competition, the group received the FIRST...

District Announcements

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