International school spirit on display during the Smalley Olympics

The Smalley Olympics are the highlight of the school year for many students and staff at the Bound Brook elementary school. Now in its sixth year, it has become a beloved event that celebrates school pride, reinforces the year’s physical education curriculum and brings the best competition out of all.

Mr. Ralph DeSordi, teacher of Physical Education/Health, helped to coordinate this year’s event with each homeroom from 3rd to 6th grade. From May 20 to June 14, students represented a wide range of countries like Colombia, Germany, Australia, England and more.

“The Smalley Olympics is a combination of all the different sports and activities we’ve completed throughout the school year,” said Mr. DeSordi. “Occasionally, we change the theme. Last year, we called it March Madness and let students pick a specific college. This year, I let each homeroom elect what country they want to represent. They picked a country and then competed during PE class while supporting and cheering for each other.”

Classes competed during regular Physical Education class periods, earning points for their performance during games of volleyball, soccer, and other sporting activities. Students could also earn points based on good sportsmanship (toward referees, opponents, and teammates) and team spirit (making signs, creating chants, etc.)—bonus points were awarded to classes with the most students wearing their country’s colors during PE.

Gym walls were covered with hand-drawn country flags, while other students brought their own to excitedly wave during the event. For each student, the Smalley Olympics was an opportunity to engage in a friendly competition with their friends while playing their favorite sports.

“My favorite part about the Smalley Olympics is the teamwork and all the fun we have,” said Damiana, a sixth grader at Smalley Elementary
School. “We also play all the sports and get some quality bonding time with our classmates.”

Upon reaching the finale, staff members worked together to host a closing ceremony known as Flag Day. Teacher representatives from each
homeroom were invited to join the fun by participating in “minute to win it” activities before the awards were given out.

Bound Brook School District congratulates the following homerooms who were recognized from each grade level:

Third Grade

  • Australia – Ms. Sivolella & Ms. Glassman’s Homeroom

Fourth Grade

  • Netherlands – Ms. Little’s Homeroom

Fifth Grade

  • Norway – Ms. Ptack & Ms. Kifer’s Homeroom

Sixth Grade

  • Germany – Ms. Tacconi’s Homeroom