Superintendent Search Survey for Parents

Dear Parents, The Bound Brook School District is asking that all parents please complete the Superintendent Search Survey that is linked below. Your input is critically important to the Board of Education in finding a Superintendent who is the perfect fit to meet the...

COVID-19 Quarantine Time Frames

Office of the Superintendent of Schools Dear Parents: We would like to thank all parents, students, teachers, and staff members for making our first full return to school from the pandemic a very successful one! We have all of our students in person with our teachers...

Return to School COVID-19 Update

Dear Parents: The Board of Education and administration would like to welcome you back to school! As we open on Thursday, we would like to remind you of a few items that need to be completed prior to the first day of school. We ask that you complete a screening...

COVID-19 Return to School Update

Dear Parents The Board of Education and administration hope that all of you have had a relaxing, healthy summer. As we prepare for the opening of schools in September, we are informing you of some updates for the health and safety of all of the students and staff....